Well, I think this big old guy is a good sign rut is well under way. The pictures below are from our trail cam last night, check out this big unique ( or odd) deer. Judging by his neck is pretty close to full rut. I will be hunting several locations between…
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New Rutting Buck Pictures
We had a couple of new bucks show up the past few days... They are smaller bucks, but this is a good sign that the bucks are up and moving. We just need some of the big boys to start getting out and moving around too. Hunting should start to get really good…
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11/5 Morning Hunting Trip
Headed back into the woods hoping that after the front passed Friday afternoon that the colder temperatures would get the deer moving. I was also hoping that I might even see some rutting activity after the day before was so slow. Happy to say that I did finally see some rutting activity! Loch…
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11/4 Morning Hunting Trip
Well, another morning in the woods followed by a day of work. I went out hunting this morning in a new location that I have not hunted in the morning yet. I also went with a good friend and hunting buddy. We both were in the same general location just targeting different trails…
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Halloween and Rut?
I started to allude to how I believe that Halloween, or rather October 31 has something to do with rut in central Maryland. I have been hunting Halloween day, as I did this year for the past 8 years, and every year the hunting seems to go from static boring October hunting to…
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