The Breakdown We have had a few readers email us with questions regarding Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources Hunter Education classes and their options. So...we thought that we would provide our readers with a breakdown of the process and provide you links to all of the resources that you need to get started.…
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Opening Day is Just Two Weeks Away!
Well…here we are just two weeks away from opening day of the 2011 bow season. We have all been practicing, scouting, and preparing for opening day. I would also like to note that a friend of mine sent me an email this morning reminding me that he had two weeks and two days left…
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First 8 Point Buck Pictures of 2011
We finally got a picture of a nice buck after the hurricane and with our new Stealth Cam Archer’s Choice trail cam. We got some beautiful pictures of this precocious 8 pt. He wanted our corn and feed block really bad but was just a little too hesitant. Unfortunately, he has already lost all…
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Stealth Cam’s Archer’s Choice Trail Cam Review
Stealth Cam Archers Choice 8.0 Megapixel Infrared Digital Game Scouting Camera was the camera that was discussed in our Stealth Cam Dilemma Article. I have now been using it for a few weeks, so I was able to try it out and see how it worked to give you my honest opinion of it. I…
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The Effects a Hurricane has on Local Deer Population
Watching the rain from Hurricane Irene out my window made me think about how this might affect our local deer populations and how that might translate to affect our upcoming bow season only a few weeks away. Pleasantly surprising to me, scientists have done a couple of research studies tracking tagged deer throughout…
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