Have you ever been asked what your effective bow range is, or asked what it should be? Well, if either of those is true then you fit right in with the rest of us. I have been asked more times than I can count what should an effective bow range be? There is no…
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Helpful Information in Familiar Places
I happened to be shopping for Andy and I in Dick’s Sporting Goods, checking out what was already coming into the stores for the upcoming season (the treestand display was put up this week). As I was leaving, I noticed a stack of free Dick’s published magazines at each counter. One in particular caught…
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Under Armour Camo
Under Armour is probably one of the fastest growing apparel companies in the U.S. and continue to roll out new products each year. The big release in the hunting sector is their new line of boots which is being released on 8/1/2011. I own several of Under Armours products and I have to say overall…
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2010 Trophies
Below are the pictures of my two bucks (5 point and 8 point)from the 2010-2011 hunting season. I also included my good friend and hunting buddy's 8 point he took. These are the typical sized deer I have seen on the private land I hunt as well as the public land adjacent to it. [caption…
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Deer Feed
Many hunters across the U.S. use deer feeders where they are legal. In Maryland, feeding or otherwise known as baiting deer is only legal on private property. Please remember, it is illegal to feed or bait deer on public land in Maryland and could get you in a lot of trouble. I personally use…
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