Many hunters know a buck maintains certain antler genetics over the course of their life. Some genetic quirks or defects could be very small things that as they get bigger are harder to find, others are very clear. Many of us watch them grow up, or go shed hunting each spring to track the…
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2011 – 2012 Guide to Hunting & Trapping Overview
July 1st marked a new year for hunting seasons across Maryland, with the new season comes new opening and closing dates as well as new bag limits and regulations. Below is the link to the 2011-2012 Guide to Hunting and Trapping. Within it, you will find all the season opening and closing dates, bag…
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Maryland Deer Hunting Ethics
Hunting in Maryland, for many of us sportsmen is something special. Most of us cannot wait until September 15th each year, and hate when January 31st comes around. We spend hours upon hours in a tree, blind, or stalking through the woods trying to get an opportunity to harvest a deer. Some are after…
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8 Point Buck Video
I took this video a couple years ago on a very windy day in Central Maryland. It was a Sunday, so I could not hunt, and this was before I had a trail cam. I went out to the this field with my camera, when this buck and a few does came out, I…
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Parker Bows Concorde Crossbow
Recently, I was looking around at different new bows and crossbows for 2011. Just last season I started shooting an older crossbow just to switch things up depending on where I was hunting. My biggest complaint about the crossbow that I had is that it was difficult to pull…
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