Well here we are on 3/2/2015, yes that's right the first week of march and by large from what I have seen and heard most of the deer in central Maryland are still wearing their head gear. Normally they have long since lost their antlers and we would all be out actively looking for sheds. Not this year, I went once before snow covered the ground about 2 weeks ago and saw lots of deer and several still with antlers. Since then I have done some scouting, driving around looking at deer in the snow as well as asking others I know and everyone seems to agree at least most of the deer still have their antlers.
I did get one report that deer on the eastern shore have started shedding their antlers but that was not backed by any found sheds just someone saying they haven't seen any bucks recently.
Hopefully the warmer weather coming will trigger them to shed their antlers! Maybe another week or two and we can get out shed hunting! It's been weeks other than the one walk I took since I was in the woods and I am ready to get back in scouting mode! Never spend too much time in the woods ever. Just something else to look forward to!
Anyone else been out shed hunting yet this spring and found anything???
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