Category Archives: Trail Cam Photos

Curious Fawn 2011

Here is one of our first trail cam photo of 2011.  Lots more will be coming over the new few weeks.  If you have trail cam photos you would like to share with us, send them to
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Mystery Deer 2010

    [caption id="attachment_377" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Picture 1"][/caption] So this 8 point buck came out on 12/3/2010 around 1:30a.m., I had never seen this deer before, nor would I see him again. My trail cam captured 4 photo’s the 1 above is the first and the sequence of all 4 is below.  Yes I had one…
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Antler Genetics

  Many hunters know a buck maintains certain antler genetics over the course of their life. Some genetic quirks or defects could be very small things that as they get bigger are harder to find, others are very clear.  Many of us watch them grow up, or go shed hunting each spring to track the…
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8 Point Buck Video

  I took this video a couple years ago on a very windy day in Central Maryland. It was a Sunday, so I could not hunt, and this was before I had a trail cam. I went out to the this field with my camera, when this buck and a few does came out, I…
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Flying Deer

  Ever seen a flying deer? Well I have, sorta.  He  might not of been flying but in this  picture taken on 12/10/2010 it sure looks like this spike buck is air born.  This was a great action shot and I thought I would share it with all of you. 
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