There are many that think because they haven't seen a Coyote in Maryland let alone Baltimore County that they aren't here... Well, WRONG!
You may never see them... In all the outdoor activities I do, I have only ever seen 2 during daylight hours and only got very brief glimpses. However, with trail cameras out for deer. I not only get to see them, but I get to capture proof they are here and in decent numbers. I have been getting trail camera photo's of different ones on two different pieces of land I have permission to hunt that are probably 10-15 miles apart. I think everyone should know they are here, and likely here to stay. However, you likely will never encounter one, but you still should know they are here. Protect animals, chickens, etc. and also be mindful if you do things in the outdoors close to day break, sunset, or at night. You never know if you harvest a deer and are trying to get it out of the woods late in the evening after dark what could happen. I have had red fox go after a deer I harvested and threaten me at night, I think being a little extra cautious when doing things in the woods after dark isn't a bad idea these days. Just be safe and mindful that they are here and a predator animal.
Below are a few of the photo's I have gotten of them this year.