Starting Summer

Summer is unofficially here now that we are past the Memorial Day weekend.  After this past week of hot humid weather, you sure knew summer is coming and isn't far away.    We have been very busy the past few weeks, but that is the nature of life I guess.  I have managed to get out trout fishing a couple times with good success.  I manged to catch my limit both times, although the size of the fish has steadily been going down. The last set were all between 11" and 14" inches, which is on the smaller side of what they stocked.

We also were able to get away for a few days after the holiday weekend and spent some time in Ocean City. It's always nice to get away and relax and catch up on sleep every now and then.  The weather was beautiful in Ocean City as the ocean temp is still only 59 degrees the day time highs down there were in the mid to upper 70's while here in Baltimore we understand it was in the 90's.  After some good rest and relaxation it's back to work and time start gearing up for hunting season as it is just 3 month away.

As we were heading home from Ocean City we drove past a grass hillside not too far from our house  and I saw a good size deer which already had antlers growing. They were just very thick spikes with what looked like it was just starting to split off to create the main beam of his antlers. They were only up just past his ears, but you could tell he was going to be a decent deer.

Makes me start thinking about hunting season and getting my gear out and start getting things fixed and tuned in to prepare for the upcoming season.   I plan to start these things over the coming weeks, in the meantime I have been doing some bass fishing in Loch Raven and the local rivers as I have had about enough of trout fishing for this year.

What is everyone else up to?  Are you vacationing?  Have you thought about getting your gear out yet?

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