So, with busy life and very lack luster deer movement the past month I haven't been posting many pictures. (yes I know, I am sorry, but blame the deer!) Needless to say, I have gotten a few pictures here and there and decided to share a few of them. As you will see in a couple of the photo's below bucks have started to get aggressive, at least the younger ones. I went scouting Sunday morning early and jumped a few does but came up on a clearing where I saw 5 bucks taking turns fighting. Mostly all small bucks, one decent looking 8 that was hanging back and spared with the next biggest one for a minute when finally one of them figured out they were being watched as I was only about 60 - 70 yards away and they spooked. The rain Saturday night made it easy to walk real quite Sunday morning and made for great scouting.
Anyway, I still haven't seen an evidence that the bucks are really starting to get moving towards rut, as there are very few rubs or scraps being made, but they are starting to fight which means the rest is coming and it wont be long and rut will be here. At this point I don't think you can go wrong by being in the woods, as any day those big boys could finally start getting up and get moving around outside their core area.
Good Luck to everyone that is able to get out this week!
Anyway, below are some pictures from over the past several weeks.

Back off Man or I'll bite you!