Below are trail cam photo's from yesterday, I decided to check the trail cam's before the snow today and found that this young buck had come up last evening. Granted it is after hunting season and he is a little guy, but the important thing about these photos is that most of the bucks still have their antlers on. We have had several emails asking when the deer normally shed their antlers, well to answer this question in short, they loose them at different times each year, ranging from as early as mid- January to as late as late - March. Each deer can loose their antlers at different times. This is because deer loose their antlers based on a drop in testosterone, so each deer is different and even each year that deer will be different. I have found that using a trail cam is the best way to track when deer are loosing their antlers. Last season, I got pictures of 2 deer just 2 days after the end of hunting season both large mature deer and at a glance they looked like does, after I looked at pictures of their heads they were clearly both mature bucks that had both dropped their antlers. Sadly, I went and looked the very next day and never did find sheds. The point of this is that trail cams can provide you a lot of information when you are trying to figure out when to start shed hunting.